Bill Payment
BILLING PROCEDURES: Bills are emailed or mailed during the first week of each month. Payment is due in full by the end of the month. A $35.00 fee is assessed for all Non-Sufficient Funds checks submitted to the District.
On August 18, 2015, the Board of Directors adopted a new set of Rules and Regulations regarding Collection of Delinquent Accounts and Discontinuing Service
Hoover Hill can accept payment by credit card, direct deposit or by check.
Credit Card Payment:
Online EFT or Credit Card Payments are accepted. Payments by credit card will be processed through the SIPA, Colorado State Government State Internet Portal Authority.To pay via the SIPA portal, access the portal via this URL:
Direct Deposit (ACH payment plan):
The board would like to encourage anyone who is interested in signing up for direct deposit payment of your Hoover Hill bill. Many customers have requested direct deposit and we placed the service on line at the end of 2018. No postage, no fees and no hassle of forgetting to pay your bill on time. The manager and the board worked through First Bank and have established an ACH payment plan that allows your bill to automatically be withdrawn from a personal banking account of your choice.
You can enroll in the plan by reaching out directly to Cade Bertrand, the HHWSD manager ( A copy of a completed bank withdrawal form must be on file for HHWSD to offer this service.
Payment by Check:
For those of you who wish to continue to pay your monthly bill by check, you should make payments as follows
"Hoover Hill Water and Sanitation District" and
mail to:
P.O. Box 16532
Golden CO 80402
Please write your account # on your check.
Note: Hoover Hill is doing its part to reduce paper. If you would like to be billed electronically please contact Cade at